צפיות בכותרות
י"ז בכסלו התשע"ה
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00:33:27 ◀︎ Greek govt gambles on early presidential vote
01:02:26 ◀︎ Palestinians become observers at ICC meeting
01:12:05 ◀︎ UN: Possible sanctions breach as Iran Quds chief spotted in Iraq
09:15:28 ◀︎ Australia: IS using Westerners as 'cannon fodder'
09:15:28 ◀︎ Bond for Arab activist who hid Israel bombing role
09:36:11 ◀︎ Likud primaries look set for end of year
09:36:11 ◀︎ Israeli stabbed and critically wounded at Brooklyn Chabad house
09:36:11 ◀︎ Hagel in Baghdad to meet with Iraqi officials
09:46:39 ◀︎ Attack in Syria: 'Three Hezbollah militants killed'
09:57:01 ◀︎ Report: Suicide attacks kill five in eastern Yemen army base
10:16:39 ◀︎ Hagel arrives in Baghdad as US touts momentum against Islamic State
10:16:39 ◀︎ Political sources on Palestinian observer status at ICC: 'Playing with fire'
10:52:24 ◀︎ Two Palestinians carrying knives arrested near Tekoa settlement
11:09:43 ◀︎ Attacker in Brooklyn Chabad house stabbing dies of wounds
11:09:43 ◀︎ Litvak Jewish art gets first global show after almost a century
13:34:58 ◀︎ Activists: Syrian rocket kills 3-man crew from opposition TV
13:44:12 ◀︎ Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer player arrested over deadly hit-and-run
14:15:30 ◀︎ Lapid lashes out at Netanyahu over last-minute funding for settlers
14:37:30 ◀︎ Hollande: Last French hostage freed by Al Qaeda's north African arm
14:45:36 ◀︎ Iraqi leader asks US for more air power, weaponry
15:36:21 ◀︎ UN resumes food aid for Syrian refugees
17:36:38 ◀︎ Ya'alon on Syria attack: 'Whoever tries to arm our enemies will know we we can reach anywhere'
17:36:38 ◀︎ Egyptian judge jails democracy activist for 3 years for "insulting court"
17:36:38 ◀︎ Israel: Amnesty report on Gaza ignores Hamas terror, makes unfounded claims about Israel
17:36:38 ◀︎ Ofir Akunis appointed as deputy environmental protection minister
18:39:55 ◀︎ US report condemns CIA use of torture
18:58:10 ◀︎ Obama pledges no repeat of harsh US interrogation methods
19:45:24 ◀︎ France arrests 5 in Belgian Jewish Museum shooting investigation
20:46:28 ◀︎ Cyprus, Israel, Greece push EU gas pipeline link
21:16:34 ◀︎ Iran, Iraq, Syria to continue cooperation against IS
22:17:35 ◀︎ Israeli researchers find flaw in Alibaba site