צפיות בכותרות
כ"ז בכסלו התשע"ה (נר שלישי של חנוכה)
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00:07:00 ◀︎ Obama signs Russia sanctions bill
01:07:05 ◀︎ UN Experts: Taliban radicals against peace gain prominence
01:16:45 ◀︎ Balotelli banned 1 match for 'anti-Semitic' social media post
01:26:23 ◀︎ Obama raises concerns over crackdown with al-Sisi
07:45:22 ◀︎ 4 men collapse outside Ashkelon restaurant, cause unclear
07:45:22 ◀︎ 8 children killed in home in northern Australia
08:03:50 ◀︎ Pakistan military: 32 militants killed in ambush
08:32:46 ◀︎ Australian PM Abbot says murder of 8 children 'heartbreaking'
09:48:17 ◀︎ Man drives car into headquarters of Spain's ruling party
09:57:56 ◀︎ Hack attack spurs call for more N. Korea sanctions
09:57:56 ◀︎ In Lebanon, Syrian newborns risk statelessness
10:45:30 ◀︎ Report: US backed talks with ISIS over American hostage
12:05:01 ◀︎ Indonesia volcano erupts; 4 injured and 1 missing
12:13:35 ◀︎ Only 2% of $5.4 billion pledged for Gaza actually delivered
14:00:04 ◀︎ 200 women protest gender inequality in education system in Tel Aviv
14:00:04 ◀︎ GSK Ebola vaccine trial seen moving to wider phase in February
14:30:15 ◀︎ Five more Ukrainian soldiers killed despite truce
15:10:24 ◀︎ Two Palestinians wounded from rubber bullets during riot near Nablus
16:01:10 ◀︎ Border Police officer lightly hurt from stones at Beitunia checkpoint
16:38:52 ◀︎ Auschwitz victim suitcases get high-tech storage
17:18:40 ◀︎ Anti-Arab graffiti sprayed on wall of Eilat sports stadium
17:39:09 ◀︎ Iran honours nuclear deal with powers, IAEA report shows
18:50:05 ◀︎ Kenya president signs controversial security law
20:18:03 ◀︎ Pakistan hangs two militants after Taliban school massacre
20:38:30 ◀︎ FBI blames North Korea for Sony hack
20:58:54 ◀︎ US consults Japan, China, S.Korea, Russia on N.Korean hacking
22:19:31 ◀︎ Canada slaps sanctions on Russian oil industry
23:36:57 ◀︎ Four Palestinians wounded in legs by IDF fire near Jabalia
23:36:57 ◀︎ Iraq clashes with IS delay evacuation of Yazidis