צפיות בכותרות
כ"ו באדר התשע"ה
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
18:20:20 ◀︎ Gunmen kill former lawyer for Pakistani doctor who aided CIA
18:20:20 ◀︎ Sderot resident questioned after threatening MK Amir Peretz
18:49:16 ◀︎ State Comptroller: It's time to switch to electronic voting
18:58:57 ◀︎ One arrested in Jerusalem brawl between party activists
19:09:45 ◀︎ 54.6% voter turnout in Israel elections by 6pm
19:09:45 ◀︎ 59% of soldiers voted by 5 PM
19:20:32 ◀︎ Herzog: 'Netanyahu's panic is embarrasing'
19:20:32 ◀︎ 25-year-old man stabbed in Pardes Hanna in critical condition
19:30:21 ◀︎ Netanyahu: 'There will be no unity government, there is no way to bridge the gaps between us'
19:35:45 ◀︎ US Air Force veteran accused of trying to assist Islamic State
20:07:16 ◀︎ Voter fraud suspected in Migdal HaEmek and Safed
20:08:19 ◀︎ Man stabbed in Pardes Hanna succombs to wounds
20:26:49 ◀︎ Bennett: 'The situation is not easy, the Likud recruited against us'
20:47:43 ◀︎ Voter turnout places at 65.7 % by 8 pm - the highest since 1999 elections
21:12:39 ◀︎ Voting closes at Israel Prison Service with 81.74% voter turnout
21:27:49 ◀︎ 50-year-old woman dies after boat capsizes in Jaffa
22:00:30 ◀︎ Channel 10 exit polll: Zionist Union and Likud get 27 seats
22:00:31 ◀︎ Channel 2 exit poll: Zionist Union 27; Likud 28; Bayit Yehudi 8; Yesh Atid 12; Joint Arab List 13; Meretz 5
22:09:47 ◀︎ Channel 10 exit poll: Zionist Union 27; Likud 27; Joint Arab List 13; Yesh Atid 11; Kulanu 10; Bayit Yehudi 8; Shas 7
22:21:52 ◀︎ Zionist Union MK Shmuli: 'It's an effective tie, the party has just begun'
22:28:19 ◀︎ Netanyahu and Bennett agree to begin negotiations for right-wing coalition during phonecall
22:28:20 ◀︎ Zionist Union MK Shaffir: 'Exit polls show sharp lack of faith in Netanyahu'
22:41:11 ◀︎ First official ballot results from Ben Shemen Youth Village: 66 vote for Zionist Union, 15 for Likud
22:41:11 ◀︎ Merez leader Gal-On: Herzog should lead next gov't
22:41:11 ◀︎ Zionist Union MK Michaeli: 'If Kahlon wants to lower housing prices he should join Herzog gov'
22:41:11 ◀︎ Netanyahu and Herzog call Shas' Deri, who agreed to meet with Netanyahu on Wednesday
22:41:11 ◀︎ Kahlon: Today, Israel begins to return to its old self
22:50:49 ◀︎ Zionist Union: Herzog to begin negotiations promptly
23:01:33 ◀︎ Bayit Yehudi MK Ben-Dahan: 'Jewish people knew ups and downs, we facing a down'
23:01:33 ◀︎ Netanyahu: 'Against all odds - huge win for national camp and Likud'
23:01:33 ◀︎ Official ballot results from 136 voting sites: 27.3 % vote Zionist Union, 21.4 % Likud
23:01:33 ◀︎ Kingmaker Kahlon tells Herzog and Netanyahu: Wait until final results
23:01:33 ◀︎ Final voter turnout stands at 71.8%
23:19:48 ◀︎ Erekat: 'Palestinians will step up diplomatic efforts at the ICC'
23:19:48 ◀︎ Close sources to President Rivlin: 'The right choice in his eyes is a unity government'
23:39:10 ◀︎ Netanyahu speaks to Lieberman after release of exit polls
23:47:45 ◀︎ Channel 2 changes exit poll to Kulanu with 10 seats and Yesh Atid 11
23:47:45 ◀︎ MK Tibi: 'General results contrary to expectations and a dissapointment
23:58:25 ◀︎ Shas' Deri: This was the hardest campaign we had'
23:58:25 ◀︎ According to exit polls, haredi bloc loses third of seats