צפיות בכותרות
ט"ו בתמוז התשע"ה
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01:17:53 ◀︎ Muslim Brotherhood calls for 'rebellion' against el-Sissi, says leaders in Egypt were murdered
07:55:33 ◀︎ IAEA says Iran uranium stockpile reduced, but questions remain
08:43:34 ◀︎ Dempsey: No shortcuts in Syria rebel vetting
11:40:44 ◀︎ Tunisia hunts for Libya-trained suspects after hotel attack
12:43:58 ◀︎ Russia says new US military strategy is confrontational
12:45:02 ◀︎ 'No breakthrough yet' in Iran talks, Britain says
12:45:03 ◀︎ Egypt media says sophisticated weapons used in Sinai attack
12:45:03 ◀︎ UK minister: Illogical to attack Islamic State in Iraq but not Syria
13:41:12 ◀︎ German foreign minister says Iran nuclear deal still an open question
13:55:13 ◀︎ Kerry consults US partners before further talks with Iran
14:42:31 ◀︎ Ex-Givati commander convicted of inappropriate behavior, lowered in rank
14:49:01 ◀︎ Iraqi forces say most of Baiji town recaptured from Islamic State
15:18:09 ◀︎ Egyptian air strikes kill 23 militants in North Sinai
15:18:09 ◀︎ China's foreign minister to attend Iran nuclear talks
16:11:04 ◀︎ Official: Shots reported on Washington Navy Yard campus
16:14:28 ◀︎ France's Fabius says progress on some points in Iran nuclear talks
16:53:05 ◀︎ No victims found at U.S. Navy Yard in Washington-local fire dept
16:58:29 ◀︎ BP settles US 2010 oil spill claims for $18.7 billion
16:58:29 ◀︎ Morocco breaks up militant cell linked to Islamic State
17:48:57 ◀︎ Attack on UN convoy in north Mali kills 6 workers, wounds 5
17:50:02 ◀︎ Palestinians on anniversary of Abu Khdeir murder: 'We want a new intifada'
18:00:55 ◀︎ IDF COGAT head: Hamas helped Sinai terrorists
19:10:45 ◀︎ Jerusalem Police investagating two instances of rocks thrown at light rail i Shuafat
19:54:52 ◀︎ Saudi king censors TV host and pro-Brotherhood scholar
21:20:52 ◀︎ U.N. aiming for pause in Yemen fighting for humanitarian relief
21:27:18 ◀︎ Syria rejects UN criticism of barrel bombs, says "technical" issue
21:38:04 ◀︎ Russia's Putin to meet Iran's Rouhani next week
21:54:15 ◀︎ Due to the current security situation road 12 will be closed temporarily
23:02:12 ◀︎ Mennonites delay divestment vote over Israeli occupation
23:42:02 ◀︎ Senior Islamic State leader killed in US-led coalition strike