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ל' בתשרי התשע"ו (ראש חודש)
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07:38:54 ◀︎ Transients charged with killing tourist, hiker in California
07:38:54 ◀︎ Journalist released from prison in Egypt returns to Canada
07:48:43 ◀︎ Hillary Clinton slams Trump in front of his casino
07:48:43 ◀︎ Abu Sayyaf militants free kidnapped Philippine town mayor
08:57:32 ◀︎ Three Syrian mortar shells land in Golan Heights
08:57:32 ◀︎ IRNA: Iranian parliament passes bill approving nuclear deal
09:35:57 ◀︎ Israeli security forces arrest 15 Palestinian suspects overnight
10:12:15 ◀︎ Initial report: Arab stabs passerby in Holon
10:21:59 ◀︎ Report: Suspected shooting attack in bus at Jerusalem's East Talpiot
11:06:52 ◀︎ IDF strikes Syria with artillery
11:26:53 ◀︎ Gaza border crossing closed amid rioting
12:41:21 ◀︎ Stabbing attack in Kiryat Ata
13:27:14 ◀︎ Russia says shelling of its embassy in Damascus act of terrorism
14:41:03 ◀︎ Insurgents shell Russian embassy in Syria during rally
14:45:40 ◀︎ Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine by Russian-built missile, report concludes
15:06:35 ◀︎ UK's Cameron to write to Saudi government over Briton facing lashes
15:06:35 ◀︎ Palestinians clash with security forces on Gaza border
15:27:32 ◀︎ Russia's Putin says there is no alternative to Ukraine peace deal
15:42:58 ◀︎ Russian air force makes 88 sorties, hits 86 IS targets in Syria
15:49:41 ◀︎ Iran test-fires domestically developed torpedo system
15:58:37 ◀︎ US: Islamic State targeted with 14 air strikes in Iraq and Syria
16:06:25 ◀︎ Iraq starts bombing IS with help from intelligence centre that includes Russia, Iran
17:22:04 ◀︎ Finance Minister orders funding for all schools to have security guards until 4pm
17:24:21 ◀︎ Dozens of Palestinian protesters again break the Gaza border fence and cross into Israel
17:57:25 ◀︎ Shots fired towards IDF officer's Jeep in southern Gaza Strip, no injures or damage reported.
18:07:16 ◀︎ Jerusalem Municipality opens call center for public amid terror attacks
18:07:16 ◀︎ Palestinian dead in clashes with security forces in Bethlehem
18:39:57 ◀︎ Around 12,000 demonstrating in Sakhnin in solidarity with al-Aqsa
19:03:10 ◀︎ IDF: Fifty percent decrease in riots in West Bank in three days leading up to Monday
19:23:03 ◀︎ US, Russia jets came within visual range over Syria - US military
19:38:35 ◀︎ US condemns terror attacks against Israeli civilians
20:12:33 ◀︎ Magen David Adom calls on Israelis to donate blood amid ongoing terror wave
20:50:58 ◀︎ White House says Iran's missile test may have violated UN resolution
21:24:00 ◀︎ Palestinian laborers barred from entering Gush Etzion for next two days
22:42:53 ◀︎ Request to delay appeal hearing of Islamic Movement northern branch head rejected
22:49:25 ◀︎ Security guards to be positioned throughout Jerusalem public transport network
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27