צפיות בכותרות
י"א באייר התשע"ו
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08:09:37 ◀︎ EgyptAir says plane carrying 66 has disappeared from radar
08:20:15 ◀︎ Obama, Turkey's Erdogan discuss Syria, fight against Islamic State
08:20:15 ◀︎ Egyptian officials believe missing EgyptAir plane crashed into sea
08:58:38 ◀︎ B-52 crashes at Guam air base, no injuries reported
09:06:06 ◀︎ China defence ministry looking into reports of US plane intercept
09:52:33 ◀︎ Syrian gov't forces, allies seize town near Damascus from rebels
11:41:18 ◀︎ China's foreign ministry calls on U.S. to stop close reconnaissance
11:41:18 ◀︎ Azerbaijan plane crashes in Afghanistan, 7 dead
11:50:56 ◀︎ Hopes fade for 150 feared buried in Sri Lanka landslides
12:50:50 ◀︎ UN appoints Mexican diplomat as new climate chief
12:50:50 ◀︎ French PM urges unions to scrap violence-marred protests
13:12:09 ◀︎ Russian military bus falls into ravine, killing 6 officers
13:12:09 ◀︎ Russia to deliver several S-300 missile divisions to Iran by year-end
13:41:07 ◀︎ Planes grounded at Stockholm airports due to communication problem
13:41:07 ◀︎ French president confirms EgyptAir flight crashed, no hypothesis being ruled out
15:00:59 ◀︎ Two-thirds of US would struggle to cover $1,000 emergency
15:10:26 ◀︎ Top security official: Islamic State plans wave of attacks in France
16:11:16 ◀︎ Greece finds pieces of plastic in sea search for missing EgyptAir plane
16:11:16 ◀︎ Russian official: Terror attack downed Egypt jet
16:15:42 ◀︎ US leads 17 strikes against Islamic State
18:00:14 ◀︎ Container with nails explodes in Poland, 1 person injured
18:09:52 ◀︎ Hungary official: Obama wants Muslims in Europe
18:09:52 ◀︎ Israel frees Palestinian who ended hunger strike in February
18:09:52 ◀︎ US State Department sanctions Islamic State branches in Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia
18:30:11 ◀︎ Egypt gets $25 billion loan from Russia for nuclear plant
18:49:27 ◀︎ MK Orly Levi-Abekasis quitting Yisrael Beytenu
19:09:39 ◀︎ ISIS suicide bombings kill 32 Libyan militiamen
19:09:39 ◀︎ EgyptAir structural failure is unlikely
19:09:39 ◀︎ France sets Middle East peace conference for June 3
19:19:18 ◀︎ Jerusalem terrorist attack thwarted
19:27:51 ◀︎ Former minister says EgyptAir pilot lost control
19:33:16 ◀︎ Kerry said says will attend June 3 Paris conference on Palestinian-Israeli peace
20:30:32 ◀︎ Egypt: Items found near suspected crash site
21:10:16 ◀︎ Egypt arrests rights activist; Amnesty condemns move
21:22:15 ◀︎ American Birthright Israel participant commits suicide