צפיות בכותרות
י"א באלול התשע"ו
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
08:04:09 ◀︎ Peres' condition "serious, but stable"
08:04:09 ◀︎ Peres' doctor: "He squeezed our hand"
08:34:08 ◀︎ Mexican oil company finds new oil deposits in Gulf of Mexico
08:34:08 ◀︎ UN approves Colombia peace mission
08:34:08 ◀︎ Fijian Ambassador assumes presidency of UN General Assembly
08:44:48 ◀︎ U.S. says strikes in Syria may have resulted in civilian casualties
08:44:48 ◀︎ Syria truce largely holds as aid preparations begin
08:44:48 ◀︎ 20 countries seeking Syria peace may meet in NY
09:13:43 ◀︎ Indonesia captures top militant in new blow to Santoso group
11:13:42 ◀︎ US voices concern over Chinese money in Australian politics
11:13:42 ◀︎ Spain arrests Moroccan man accused of promoting Islamist militancy
11:13:42 ◀︎ Sanctions relief on agenda as Myanmar's Suu Kyi meets Obama
11:13:42 ◀︎ Officials outline new details of Syria cease-fire deal
11:13:42 ◀︎ Quake of magnitude 6 strikes off Solomon Islands
11:43:00 ◀︎ ATV smuggling to Gaza stopped by Shin Bet
12:21:12 ◀︎ South African park kills 350 hippos, buffalos amid drought
12:21:12 ◀︎ India says holds "substantive" nuclear talks with China
12:21:12 ◀︎ Fire breaks out at petrochemical plant in southern Iran
12:21:12 ◀︎ Clash with Boko Haram in Niger kills five soldiers, 30 militants
12:21:12 ◀︎ Spanish police seize 15 tonnes of hashish off boat in Mediterranean
12:59:44 ◀︎ Germany sends 650 troops to fight ISIS arms smuggling in Mediterranean
12:59:44 ◀︎ Alibaba fires 4 employees accused of stealing mooncakes
12:59:44 ◀︎ Turkmenistan removes legal barrier to leader's indefinite rule
12:59:44 ◀︎ Japanese PM to discuss N.Korea, economic ties during rare Cuba trip
14:36:26 ◀︎ France makes counterterrorism arrest of minor, official says
14:46:03 ◀︎ Turkish air strikes kill 16 suspected PKK militants in southeast
14:46:03 ◀︎ Russia urges Syrian rebels to separate from 'terrorists'
14:46:03 ◀︎ Syrian opposition politician says not confident truce will last
15:34:21 ◀︎ Palestinian detained in Hebron after search uncovers concealed knife
16:02:11 ◀︎ UK, Argentina to cooperate on Falklands oil and gas restrictions
16:02:11 ◀︎ Sweden ups defense of strategic Baltic island amid tensions
16:11:45 ◀︎ Split Cyprus' rival leaders to meet UN chief on peace talks
17:28:48 ◀︎ Shimon Peres's situation improves, but remains in serious condition
17:37:22 ◀︎ 200 protest outside Naftali Bennett's home over overcrowded school in Haifa
17:57:38 ◀︎ Artillery shell from British Mandate located and destroyed on Netanya beach.
18:06:18 ◀︎ Artillery shell explodes in the northern Golan Heights, no injuries reported.
18:46:55 ◀︎ Russia says it supports extension of Syria ceasefire for another 48 hours
18:46:55 ◀︎ Hillary Clinton to meet wih Egyptian president
19:27:25 ◀︎ Russia says prevented Islamic State attack on Syria's Palmyra
20:05:51 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Deal with US to be signed in one hour
20:25:09 ◀︎ IDF scours Golan Heights after reports of fallen shells in Israeli territory
20:44:16 ◀︎ IDF locates 4 artillery shells in the northern Golan Heights, no injuries reported
20:44:16 ◀︎ US statement confirms terms of new $38bn Israel aid package
21:04:43 ◀︎ PM Netanyahu visits Shimon Peres in the hospital
22:27:28 ◀︎ US urges its citizens to avoid travel to Golan Heights in light of recent artillery 'spillovers' from Syria
23:55:35 ◀︎ Mortar fired from Gaza lands in Israel, no injuries
23:55:35 ◀︎ Flotilla of 20 women left Barcelona for Gaza
23:55:35 ◀︎ Clinton's doctor says she's 'fit to serve'
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27