צפיות בכותרות
י"ג בתשרי התשע"ז
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00:01:22 ◀︎ 3 arrested in plot targeting Somalis in Kansas
08:16:19 ◀︎ Argentina protests British military exercises at Falklands
08:16:19 ◀︎ French couple is put under formal investigation for ties to jihadist
08:16:19 ◀︎ European Union backs off banning North American lobster
08:28:06 ◀︎ 50 nations agree major deal in Rwanda to cut greenhouse gases
08:28:06 ◀︎ Milwaukee men accused of trying to join ISIS
09:07:34 ◀︎ Border Police officer stabbed outside of Jerusalem
09:26:49 ◀︎ Putin, Modi hold talks to remove irritants in relationship
09:45:00 ◀︎ Trump belittles accusers as more turn up with sordid stories
11:22:04 ◀︎ Thai regent is sprightly 96-year-old face of establishment
13:07:35 ◀︎ France pays tribute to victims of Nice attacks
13:07:35 ◀︎ Syrian bombing suspect visited Berlin airport, met contact - media
13:17:11 ◀︎ American aid worker kidnapped in Niger, official says
14:05:30 ◀︎ Scotland to set up Berlin office to boost trade links after Brexit
14:05:30 ◀︎ 19 dead in stampede ahead of Hindu ceremony in India
14:26:57 ◀︎ Germany's Merkel: 'very close to war crimes' in Syria
14:36:34 ◀︎ Egypt's al-Sisi predicts long war against Sinai militants
15:04:20 ◀︎ Suicide bombing in northern Baghdad kills 35
15:04:20 ◀︎ Merkel: 'national effort' to ensure rejected migrants leave
16:13:50 ◀︎ Iran leader urges polls transparency, rejects foreign meddling
16:13:50 ◀︎ Floods kill 11 people in central Vietnam, storm approaching
16:51:16 ◀︎ US-led Syria talks begin in Switzerland
18:00:35 ◀︎ US, Russia, others making renewed diplomatic push on Syria
18:10:16 ◀︎ Prime Minister: It's Russia vs. the West in Montenegro vote
18:19:58 ◀︎ Hundreds in Warsaw protest free-trade deals with US, Canada
18:19:58 ◀︎ Merkel says should consider protected zones for Yazidis in northern Iraq
18:19:58 ◀︎ Central European nations oppose Russian-German gas pipeline
18:19:58 ◀︎ Syrian bombing suspect spoke to ISIS contact about attack plans
18:29:37 ◀︎ Whiskey worker strike at 2 Jim Beam distilleries in Kentucky
18:29:37 ◀︎ ISIS suicide bomber strikes Baghdad funeral tent, killing 35
19:09:07 ◀︎ Thais flock to palace after king's death; caretaker in place
19:18:43 ◀︎ Egypt's president predicts long war against Sinai militants
21:12:16 ◀︎ 25 year old Palestinian stopped with knife in J'lem
21:21:52 ◀︎ Turkey-backed forces attack ISIS stronghold in Syria
21:21:52 ◀︎ Cave etchings 14,500 years old found in northern Spain
21:21:52 ◀︎ Gun battle at LA restaurant leaves 3 dead, 12 wounded
21:21:52 ◀︎ Attackers set NNPC crude pipeline on fire in Niger Delta
22:09:03 ◀︎ US-led talks on Syria end after over four hours in Lausanne
22:55:07 ◀︎ Kerry says Syria meeting produces ideas, not agreements
22:55:07 ◀︎ Trump challenges legitimacy of election
23:05:48 ◀︎ Two Americans captive in Yemen released and flown to Oman
23:15:26 ◀︎ Two Americans held in Yemen released and flown to Oman
23:33:39 ◀︎ UN chief in Haiti gets glimpse of Matthew's destruction
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27