צפיות בכותרות
א' בחשוון התשע"ז (ראש חודש)
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08:14:04 ◀︎ Two killed in accident on Highway 6, one wounded in Petah Tikva
08:32:18 ◀︎ Cubs beat Indians, force Series to deciding Game 7
08:32:18 ◀︎ Rescuers say all 33 miners trapped in China mine found dead
08:41:56 ◀︎ Race tightening, Clinton revives Trump-women issue
10:00:25 ◀︎ Saudi prince flogged in court-ordered punishment: newspaper
11:37:06 ◀︎ Police: 2 officers in Iowa killed in ambush-style attacks
12:56:38 ◀︎ Russians seal up Amnesty International's Moscow office
12:56:38 ◀︎ Putin offers new pause, exits for Syrian's besieged Aleppo
13:06:18 ◀︎ Swiss police raid mosque in northern city; 8 detained
15:21:14 ◀︎ Iran's supreme leader criticizes US presidential candidates
15:29:48 ◀︎ France moves Calais child migrants as row with Britain simmers
16:19:18 ◀︎ Effigy of Donald Trump to be burned at UK bonfire display
16:30:04 ◀︎ Leads, tips led to ID of suspect in Iowa cop killings
16:30:04 ◀︎ Russia's foreign minister: US can't solve world crises alone
16:56:53 ◀︎ Duterte says he'll consider sticking with US weapons
17:07:38 ◀︎ Turkey says Iraqi border deployment a precaution, urges calm from Baghdad
17:07:38 ◀︎ Trump camp calls KKK newspaper 'repulsive' after praise
18:23:53 ◀︎ Romanian parliament approves significant pension to Holocaust survivors
18:23:53 ◀︎ 1.8 million tourists visit Israel in 2016
18:32:30 ◀︎ Pakistani and Indian officials say Pakistan has withdrawn 6 diplomats from New Delhi
18:32:30 ◀︎ Shiite militia says it's taken Mosul-Raqqa road
18:32:30 ◀︎ Former Tehran prosecutor general sentenced to 135 lashes in corruption trial
18:42:12 ◀︎ FIFA prosecutors wants Bin Hammam aide banned for bribery
18:42:12 ◀︎ Syria rebels reject Russian demand to withdraw from Aleppo
19:49:35 ◀︎ Merkel accuses Syrian government of "crimes against humanity"
19:49:35 ◀︎ US, Europe at odds over Revolutionary Guard-backed airline
20:37:44 ◀︎ Pentagon says airstrike in Syria killed an al-Qaida leader
21:44:14 ◀︎ UN alarmed at ISIS using human shields
23:37:47 ◀︎ US urges humanitarian access to strife-torn Myanmar region
23:37:47 ◀︎ German police arrest Syrian suspected of belonging to terror group
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27