צפיות בכותרות
י"ט בכסלו התשע"ח
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00:05:24 ◀︎ US officials warn of ISIS' new caliphate: cyberspace
08:15:26 ◀︎ Indonesia condemns US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli capital
08:15:26 ◀︎ Malaysian PM Najib Muslims to strongly oppose Jerusalem as Israel's capital
08:24:15 ◀︎ Australia 'worried unilateral action' on Jerusalem could add to tensions
08:24:15 ◀︎ 8 countries ask for emergency UN Security Council meeting over Jerusalem declaration
08:32:59 ◀︎ Turkish FM: Announcing Jerusalem is Israel's capital doesn't make it so
08:45:05 ◀︎ Trump Jr. avoids questions about talks with father
08:54:57 ◀︎ Democratic lawmakers question Kushner on New York property
08:54:57 ◀︎ N.Korea says US threats make war unavoidable on Korean peninsula
09:03:48 ◀︎ Palestinians call general strike, rallies to protest Trump Jerusalem move
09:03:48 ◀︎ Turkey's Erdogan says US decision on Jerusalem disregards United Nations
09:14:46 ◀︎ 20 Palestinians arrested over Qusra attack of Israeli group
09:33:32 ◀︎ Bitan to be questioned for third time on Sunday in Rishon LeZion corruption affair
09:33:32 ◀︎ UAE denounces US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital
09:33:32 ◀︎ Iraq demands that US backtrack about Jerusalem
09:43:30 ◀︎ 10 Palestinians arrested for throwing Molotov cocktails towards Ma'ale Adumim
09:43:30 ◀︎ Report: Trump invites Abbas to visit White House
09:43:30 ◀︎ Hermon ski site to open for visitors for free; 2 cm of snow piled up
09:53:17 ◀︎ Push by evangelicals helped set stage for Trump decision on Jerusalem
10:03:11 ◀︎ Pro-Iran Iraqi militia says Jerusalem decision could make US troops a target
10:03:11 ◀︎ West Bank schools, shops closed to protest Trump
10:23:07 ◀︎ Syrian gov't delegation to return to Geneva on Sunday for peace talks
10:31:54 ◀︎ Pro-Hezbollah newspaper declares 'Death to America'
10:31:54 ◀︎ Hamas political bureau chief Haniyeh: 'Israel will have no existence on Palestine's land'
10:52:50 ◀︎ 2 more arrested in Rishon LeZion corruption scandal
11:00:25 ◀︎ Hamas calls for new Palestinian uprising against Israel
11:00:25 ◀︎ Netanyahu sees 'many' nations following US move on Jerusalem
11:21:19 ◀︎ Erekat: No Palestinian state without Jerusalem
11:21:19 ◀︎ Joint List head Odeh: 'I'd have been glad had Trump recognized only west Jerusalem'
11:31:09 ◀︎ EU Ambassador: 'We did not change our position on Jerusalem'
11:31:09 ◀︎ Herzog: 'We must now strive for agreement with Palestinians'
12:19:06 ◀︎ Iraq's Grand Ayatollah Sistani condemns US decision on Jerusalem
12:19:06 ◀︎ Likud MK Hazan indicted for assaulting a public servant
12:38:12 ◀︎ Iraq summons US ambassador over Trump Jerusalem decision
12:48:08 ◀︎ Rishon LeZion corruption: Mayor's arrest extended by 5 days
12:56:59 ◀︎ Stones, firebombs thrown at Israeli cars in Binyamin region
12:56:59 ◀︎ Paris Holocaust museum opens exhibit on married Nazi hunters
12:56:59 ◀︎ Rishon LeZion corruption scandal: Jarushi family members put on house arrest
12:56:59 ◀︎ Palestinians speed up Gaza handover talks amid anger at U.S., Israel
12:56:59 ◀︎ Palestinians heed Hamas calls for intifada, rioting near Gaza border
13:09:19 ◀︎ Tillerson defends Trump's move on Jerusalem
13:09:19 ◀︎ Turkey says US 'pulled the pin on bomb' with Jerusalem decision
13:37:02 ◀︎ Hundreds of Palestinians protest US Jerusalem move at Damascus Gate
13:37:02 ◀︎ Thousands of Palestinians protest US Jerusalem move across West Bank
13:37:02 ◀︎ Muslim man shatters windows at Israeli restaurant in Amsterdam
13:47:10 ◀︎ Jerusalem must be capital of Israel and Palestine -EU's Mogherini
13:47:10 ◀︎ CNN: White House prepared for temporary derailment of peace process
13:47:10 ◀︎ Palestinians burn Trump, Netanyahu posters
14:06:57 ◀︎ Palestinian PM calls emergency session on Gaza security situation
16:03:06 ◀︎ Hezbollah denounces US move on Jerusalem