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כ"ז בשבט התשע"ח
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00:06:29 ◀︎ Netanyahu sends condolences to Russia for plane crash
08:00:04 ◀︎ Minister Katz: If Iran keeps attacking from Syria, we'll teach it a lesson it won't forget
08:18:29 ◀︎ State TV: Egypt's army kills 12 militants in Sinai operation
08:18:29 ◀︎ Abandoning the plane was the right thing to do, Air Force commander tells wounded pilot
08:18:29 ◀︎ 8 dead, 40 hurt by exploding gas canister in Bolivia
08:25:52 ◀︎ Officials: 4 killed in Southern California small plane crash
09:06:27 ◀︎ Zionist Union to submit no-confidence motion against government
09:33:28 ◀︎ Hospital reports further improvement in F-16 pilot's condition
11:32:38 ◀︎ Russian deputy foreign minister warns against escalation in Middle East after Israeli strikes on Syria
12:19:15 ◀︎ MK Zoabi removed from Knesset committee after calling IDF soldiers 'murderers'
12:57:21 ◀︎ Author David Grossman to receive Israel Prize in literature
13:07:12 ◀︎ 2 soldiers attacked after accidentally entering Jenin
13:35:29 ◀︎ Former Navy commander Marom questioned in submarine affair
13:35:29 ◀︎ ISIS-linked militant in Indonesia gets 7 years in prison
13:37:55 ◀︎ Turkey assails US over ties with Syrian Kurdish militia
13:45:20 ◀︎ Iraq says reconstruction after war on Islamic State to cost $88 billion
13:45:20 ◀︎ Kremlin says US diplomatic help on Syria insufficient
13:45:20 ◀︎ Tillerson: US committed to Israeli-Palestinian peace, despite Jerusalem move
13:45:20 ◀︎ Egypt sentences to death suspect in Coptic priest's killing
13:45:20 ◀︎ EU urges restraint in latest Syria escalation
14:02:25 ◀︎ Khamenei's adviser: Iranian presence in Syria will continue
14:20:52 ◀︎ Woman arrested in Samaria on suspicion of committing sexual offenses against minors in Australia
15:19:46 ◀︎ ISIS calls on fighters to disrupt Egypt's vote with attacks
15:28:22 ◀︎ Report: 4 anti-Semitic crimes a day in Germany in 2017
15:28:22 ◀︎ UN coordinator: Syria situation worse since UN call for ceasefire
16:33:30 ◀︎ IDF probe: Soldiers used Waze, accidentally entered Jenin
17:10:28 ◀︎ PA policeman arrested during disturbance in Bethlehem
17:48:32 ◀︎ Israel's Netanyahu says discussing settlement annexation with US
17:58:24 ◀︎ US and Egypt pledge allegiance in IS fight raging in Sinai
18:46:16 ◀︎ Turkey to name street by US Embassy after its Syrian offensive
19:43:51 ◀︎ Abbas spokesman: ‘One-sided moves will escalate tensions’
19:43:51 ◀︎ 6 neo-Nazis attacked in German city of Dresden
20:03:31 ◀︎ Putin discusses M.East peace process with Trump by phone
20:57:29 ◀︎ Palestinian leader Abbas tells Putin he wants US peace role diluted
20:57:29 ◀︎ White House denies report it discussed West Bank annexation with Israel
20:57:29 ◀︎ Estate of Hitler's filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, donated
21:24:33 ◀︎ Supreme Court rejects petition in Netanyahu case
21:34:22 ◀︎ Israeli delegation visits Malaysia for first time
23:20:51 ◀︎ Mentally ill Lebanese man caught crossing border
23:25:45 ◀︎ Knesset approves Ariel University Law
23:34:18 ◀︎ Russians killed in clash with US-led forces in Syria