צפיות בכותרות
כ"ה באדר התשע"ח
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07:56:18 ◀︎ 2 killed, 3 critically injured in NYC helicopter crash
07:56:18 ◀︎ Russian military says it evacuated 52 civilians from Syria's Ghouta
08:24:34 ◀︎ Police: Austrian attacker killed at Iranian diplomat's home
08:24:34 ◀︎ Trump's school plan envisions arming teachers
08:33:12 ◀︎ Seoul envoy in China for talks on North Korea developments
08:33:12 ◀︎ Senior Jerusalem Municipality official, 3 others arrested in new corruption affair
08:52:55 ◀︎ Lapid: 'Draft-dodging law' an insult to the IDF and a national disgrace
09:12:35 ◀︎ Yisrael Beytenu threatens to quit government if IDF draft bill passes 3rd reading
09:50:46 ◀︎ Senior Justice Ministry official say new IDF draft bill fails to meet High Court conditions for an equal share of the burden
10:11:39 ◀︎ Ministerial Committee for Legislation approves new IDF draft bill
10:57:06 ◀︎ Yisrael Beytenu appeals approval of new IDF draft bill by Ministerial Committee for Legislation
10:57:06 ◀︎ 2 additional suspects arrested in Jerusalem corruption affair
11:15:34 ◀︎ Jerusalem Municipality says unfamiliar with details of new corruption affair
11:34:05 ◀︎ Russian agencies say Syrian army found rebel chemical weapons workshop in Ghouta
11:43:56 ◀︎ Passenger plane crashes, catches fire at Kathmandu airport
11:53:49 ◀︎ Mandelblit tells Shaked new IDF draft bill contradicts equality value
13:01:32 ◀︎ Syrian rebel group agrees to evacuate wounded
13:11:25 ◀︎ Religious Services Minister David Azoulay resigns from Knesset for medical reasons
14:09:09 ◀︎ Knesset's Finance Committee approves 2019 defense budget
14:09:09 ◀︎ Nepal police say at least 38 dead in plane crash
14:37:25 ◀︎ Netanyahu calls on Lieberman to stay in the government
14:52:13 ◀︎ Lieberman says Yisrael Beytenu MKs will all vote against IDF draft law
15:20:37 ◀︎ Addressing coalition crisis over draft law, Bennett slams 'fake leadership'
15:29:13 ◀︎ Syria war has killed more than 350,000 in 7 years, monitor says
16:04:51 ◀︎ Cleared for publication: Deputy Jerusalem mayor arrested in new corruption affair
16:52:43 ◀︎ British police investigating suspicious substance at parliament
16:52:43 ◀︎ Putin: UK should 'get to bottom' of spy attack then we'll talk
16:52:43 ◀︎ Macron: France will strike Syria chemical arms sites if used to kill
17:02:26 ◀︎ BBC staff to testify at UN on Iran targeting Persian service
17:02:26 ◀︎ Real estate investor Moshe Haba among arrested in Jerusalem corruption affair
17:02:26 ◀︎ Firefighters extract 4 from blaze in yeshiva near Western Wall
18:46:46 ◀︎ US pushes UN to demand truce in Syria's east Ghouta, Damascus
19:32:22 ◀︎ UN chief: Syria fighting worsened after truce
19:32:22 ◀︎ Tillerson: NKorea hasn't yet directly responded
19:42:12 ◀︎ 2019 state budget approved in first reading
19:53:11 ◀︎ UK leader: Poisoning part of Russian aggression
20:20:12 ◀︎ HCJ: Beit Hamachpela to be evacuated
21:05:38 ◀︎ Russia calls for renewed truce efforts in Syria
23:38:39 ◀︎ Trump to host Saudi Crown prince at White House on March 20
23:47:13 ◀︎ Appeal against draft law amendment to be discussed Tuesday
23:57:00 ◀︎ Two drill alarms to be sounded Tuesday