צפיות בכותרות
ו' בניסן התש"פ
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
07:54:50 ◀︎ Coronavirus epidemic 'far from over' in Asia - WHO official
08:03:07 ◀︎ Israel reports another death from coronavirus bringing tally up to 17
08:03:07 ◀︎ UN adopts 4 resolutions, voting by email because of COVID-19
08:03:07 ◀︎ U.S. renews sanctions waivers allowing Iran nonproliferation work
08:51:06 ◀︎ Second coronavirus patient dies within hours, tally up to 18
09:09:49 ◀︎ One in three tests in Orthodox Bnei Brak positive for coronavirus
09:27:27 ◀︎ Israeli town bans entry of non-residents
10:19:04 ◀︎ Coronavirus patient sustains serious injury after jumping out of 3rd floor window
10:19:04 ◀︎ Ventilators and masks arrive in Israel
11:06:11 ◀︎ Youngest vicitm of coronavirus leaves 4-year-old twins orphaned
13:34:23 ◀︎ Girl, 12, in Belgium dies from coronavirus
13:37:30 ◀︎ Health Ministry officials says masks should be used by everyone in public places
13:37:30 ◀︎ Blue & White: Coalition talks stalled over Justice Ministry, Knesset Speaker and annexation
13:45:53 ◀︎ Defense Ministry says military satellite to be used to monitor coronavirus patients
14:54:47 ◀︎ Third coronavirus patient dies within hours, tally up to 19
14:54:47 ◀︎ Sa'ar: Forming bloated gov't during economic crisis is wrong
15:03:06 ◀︎ Vatican: Broadcast Holy Sepulcher's Easter sermon
15:42:37 ◀︎ Bennett: There is light at end of coronavirus tunnel
15:54:03 ◀︎ Rivlin meets military head of manpower to discuss IDF preparedness for coronavirus tasks
16:26:20 ◀︎ IDF Chief in isolation after contact with coronavirus patient
17:25:45 ◀︎ NII: Israel could reach 1.1 million unemployed
18:05:24 ◀︎ New public prayer restrictions take hold in Israel
19:22:39 ◀︎ Israel unemployment rate up to 23.8%
19:30:04 ◀︎ Israel tests coronavirus vaccine prototype on rodents at defense lab
19:37:21 ◀︎ Ashdod hospital reports 19th coronavirus fatality in Israel
20:15:50 ◀︎ Israel earmarks NIS 200 million for NGOs to fight coronavirus
20:55:28 ◀︎ 90-year-old man becomes 20th coronavirus fatality in Israel
21:12:10 ◀︎ UN begins home food drops for Gaza's needy to stem virus
21:12:10 ◀︎ Report: Syrian air defenses intercept 'Israeli missiles' over Homs
21:23:37 ◀︎ More than NIS 1 million donated to children of widowed coronavirus victim
21:53:44 ◀︎ Health Ministry: 5,358 cases of coronavirus in Israel
22:49:50 ◀︎ Boy, 13, dies in London after testing positive for coronavirus
22:59:16 ◀︎ UK coronavirus deaths rise by 27%, minister laments 'shocking' toll
23:20:02 ◀︎ U.S. will add 500 troops at Mexico border during coronavirus pandemic
23:49:09 ◀︎ Oman reports its first death from coronavirus
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27