צפיות בכותרות
ז' בשבט התשפ"א
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07:57:32 ◀︎ 8,511 new coronavirus cases diagnosed Tuesday, deputy minister reports
08:02:43 ◀︎ Over 200,000 Israelis vaccinated Tuesday, Edelstein reports
08:02:43 ◀︎ Biden to keep U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, Blinken says
08:02:43 ◀︎ As he leaves office, Trump pardons former top strategist Bannon
09:16:39 ◀︎ Trump pardons Aviem Sella, Jonathan Pollard's handler
09:28:05 ◀︎ Iran's Rouhani urges Biden to return to 2015 nuclear deal
09:36:27 ◀︎ Israel pushes construction of 2,600 new settler homes as Trump leaves office
10:15:13 ◀︎ Sea of Galilee water level rises by 6 cm in one day
11:02:32 ◀︎ EU's Michel calls on Biden to form new transatlantic pact
12:14:34 ◀︎ Pfizer vaccine appears effective against coronavirus variant found in Britain, study shows
12:28:28 ◀︎ Trump frees former aides from ethics pledge, lobbying ban
12:28:28 ◀︎ Clalit HMO expands vaccine campaign to over 35s
12:44:35 ◀︎ Lapid willing to collaborate with Huldai, Saar
13:44:38 ◀︎ Health Ministry to mull scrapping age limit to receive vaccine
14:49:36 ◀︎ British mutation to become Israel's dominant COVID strain in few weeks, senior health expert says
14:49:36 ◀︎ Health Ministry DG demands HMOs return vaccine limit to people 40 and older
14:49:36 ◀︎ Abbas to remain Fatah's presidential candidate in PA elections, Palestinian PM says
14:59:59 ◀︎ Donald Trump leaves White House for the last time as president
15:53:40 ◀︎ Biden to immediately roll back Trump policies on wall, climate, health, Muslims
16:31:23 ◀︎ Trump promises he'll be back
16:31:23 ◀︎ The Latest: Trump follows tradition, leaves note for Biden
17:01:33 ◀︎ Blast partly destroys building in Madrid; cause not clear
17:32:43 ◀︎ Border Police attacked in Lod
17:45:14 ◀︎ Joe Biden arrives at Capitol for inauguration
17:55:48 ◀︎ Mayor: Madrid blast kills 2;, wounds at least 8 apparently linked to gas leak
18:05:13 ◀︎ The Latest: Trump arrives in Florida, presidency ending
18:15:38 ◀︎ The Latest: Former Republican leaders attend Biden inaugural
18:26:02 ◀︎ Biden inauguration underway at U.S. Capitol
18:52:15 ◀︎ Kamala Harris sworn in as Vice President
19:01:36 ◀︎ Biden sworn in as 46th U.S. president
19:01:36 ◀︎ President Joe Biden: U.S. has much do to in this winter of peril, much to repair, much to restore
19:10:58 ◀︎ Rivlin congratulates Biden on behalf of people of Israel
19:51:43 ◀︎ Netanyahu congratulates Biden and Harris in an online post
20:01:11 ◀︎ Pope tells Biden he prays God will guide reconciliation in U.S.
20:43:32 ◀︎ Israel sees 5,577 new coronavirus cases, 17 dead since midnight, Health Ministry says
20:43:32 ◀︎ WHO chief congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their inauguration
20:43:32 ◀︎ Britain hits another record daily virus deaths
21:37:48 ◀︎ Biden, Harris inspect troops from Capitol steps
22:41:11 ◀︎ Daniel Smith appointed acting U.S. secretary of state
22:54:46 ◀︎ Democrats gaining U.S. Senate control as new members take oath
23:07:47 ◀︎ Joe Biden enters White House as president
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27