צפיות בכותרות
ג' באייר התשפ"א (יום העצמאות ה - 73 למדינת ישראל [הוקדם])
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
09:54:20 ◀︎ U.S. 'ready to facilitate' Israel-Lebanon maritime border talks
10:16:27 ◀︎ Itzik Saidian, the soldier who set himself on fire, still in critical condition
10:37:20 ◀︎ Cancelling Olympics remains an option, says Japan ruling party official
10:44:43 ◀︎ Independence Day flyover takes off
10:47:11 ◀︎ President Reuven Rivlin hosted the Outstanding Soldiers Ceremony
10:50:52 ◀︎ Turkey to send delegation to Egypt in May, foreign ministers to meet later
10:50:52 ◀︎ Turkey says not picking a side in Ukraine-Russia conflict
11:53:52 ◀︎ Tel Aviv stages concerts for kids for first time since start of pandemic
12:12:24 ◀︎ Extremist ultra-Orthodox desecrate graves of IDF casualties
12:12:24 ◀︎ Far-right Rabbi Chaim Druckman hospitalized with heart failure
12:17:20 ◀︎ Murderer of French Jewish woman will not be prosecuted
12:38:23 ◀︎ Iran nuclear talks resuming amid strains over enrichment, Natanz attack
12:53:11 ◀︎ Kremlin pledges to respond in kind to any 'illegal' new U.S. sanctions
13:26:22 ◀︎ Myanmar security forces arrest prominent leader of anti-coup campaign
13:26:22 ◀︎ U.S. Capitol Police watchdog to testify on Jan. 6 failures
13:51:08 ◀︎ Kochavi condemns desecration of IDF graves by ultra-Orthodox extremists
14:52:47 ◀︎ WHO: Europe has surpassed 1 million COVID-19 deaths
14:52:47 ◀︎ Syria denies OPCW report on use of chlorine bomb
15:41:00 ◀︎ PM condemns IDF grave desecration by ultra-Orthodox extremists
16:29:05 ◀︎ Israel, UAE, Greece, Cyprus top diplomats to meet Friday
19:18:03 ◀︎ Israel Prize awards kick off in Jerusalem
20:18:32 ◀︎ Israel to scrap outdoor mask mandate from Sunday
21:05:22 ◀︎ Rocket alert siren sounds in Sderot
21:27:28 ◀︎ Sderot officials say one rocket fell in open area outside the city
23:36:45 ◀︎ Rioters hurl stones, bottles at police in the Old City of Jerusalem
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:04 20:17
תל אביב 19:20 20:19
חיפה 19:13 20:21
באר שבע 19:21 20:18