צפיות בכותרות
ב' בחשוון התשע"ו
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00:04:52 ◀︎ Israeli military prepping for escalation, but believes no guiding force behind attacks
02:51:06 ◀︎ Over 500 turn out for low-profile man killed in Jerusalem terror attack
02:55:34 ◀︎ Terror Wave Q&A: Haaretz military analyst answers readers’ questions
03:27:04 ◀︎ Israel to move ahead with massive Gaza border fence
03:57:23 ◀︎ Israel can’t fight the Palestinians’ despair with force
04:06:32 ◀︎ U.S. State Dept.: Violence, settlements undermine two-state solution viability
05:02:28 ◀︎ Blame this intifada on Facebook
05:17:00 ◀︎ Stav Shaffir: Netanyahu has led to the disintegration of the Zionist dream
05:57:31 ◀︎ Street row exposes rift among Arab-Israelis on violence
09:37:39 ◀︎ Jerusalem gets petty with Muslim Quarter merchants
10:03:28 ◀︎ Israel still keeping most of its powder dry
10:41:07 ◀︎ Mossad head says National Security Adviser Yossi Cohen won’t replace him
11:04:30 ◀︎ Two suspected terrorists arrested after Tel Aviv police chase
11:35:42 ◀︎ Backed by Russian jets, Assad forces launch attack in Homs province
12:17:45 ◀︎ Palestinians accuse Quartet of giving in to Israeli demands by canceling visit
12:40:05 ◀︎ Entrepreneurs aiming to make Israel a light unto arid nations
12:46:44 ◀︎ Chinese admiral visits Iran in aim to strengthen military ties
12:52:05 ◀︎ More Arab students in Israel attending university in new academic year
13:35:11 ◀︎ U.S. State Department retracts claim that Temple Mount status quo was violated
14:09:32 ◀︎ Israel releases photos of hospitalized Palestinian boy Abbas claimed was executed
14:51:44 ◀︎ Natural gas isn't just about Israel
15:06:25 ◀︎ Bombings, bans and the ballot-box – Turkey on edge
15:37:47 ◀︎ Israeli army issues order to demolish homes of Hamas cell behind Henkin murders
17:46:40 ◀︎ Ministers attack U.S. State Dept. over excessive force comment
18:16:38 ◀︎ Famed French patisserie Laduree to open store in Israel
18:34:42 ◀︎ Recent Israeli violence gives a glimpse into the one-state quagmire
19:00:06 ◀︎ Netanyahu: I'm willing to meet Abbas to restore calm
21:29:53 ◀︎ Child sacrifice brings no honor to the Palestinian cause
21:52:56 ◀︎ Challenging assumptions about coexistence in Jaffa
22:28:33 ◀︎ Court extends detention of Jewish teen who attacked Arabs