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ג' בחשוון התשע"ו
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00:37:11 ◀︎ The 'Savage Days' Edition / The Promised Podcast
02:02:07 ◀︎ Abbas tells Kerry he will work to restore calm as Hamas calls for 'day of rage'
02:39:30 ◀︎ Israeli Arab woman placed under administrative detention for first time in over a decade
03:31:35 ◀︎ Physicians for Human Rights blasts images of hospitalized Palestinian teen
04:53:07 ◀︎ Matisyahu struggles with leaving Orthodox identity behind
05:02:05 ◀︎ WATCH: Black Lives Matter and pro-Palestinian artists team up in new video
05:28:45 ◀︎ The Muslim women's group vowing to safeguard the Noble Sanctuary
06:52:33 ◀︎ NASA and Israel Space Agency sign cooperation agreement
08:33:17 ◀︎ Palestinian youth set fire to Joseph's Tomb in Nablus
10:19:25 ◀︎ Should Ashkenazi women get tested this Breast Cancer Awareness month?
10:19:26 ◀︎ Israel plans to revoke citizenship of Israeli Arab terrorists
12:02:41 ◀︎ Death becomes viral: Israelis and Palestinians embrace a new hobby - snuff films
12:02:42 ◀︎ As fraud cops patrol Jerusalem’s streets, corruption probes wait
12:45:08 ◀︎ On the Jerusalem seam line, Jews and Arabs talk it all over
14:01:43 ◀︎ Israeli soldier wounded in stabbing attack near Hebron
14:57:41 ◀︎ If Tunisia could do it, so can Israel and Palestine
16:25:03 ◀︎ 2 Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli troops in Gaza and West Bank
17:23:09 ◀︎ Faced with calls to bar Arabs from workplaces, Israeli employers stand firm
17:45:12 ◀︎ Anti-Semitism ‘major problem’ worldwide, reports U.S. religious freedom report
17:51:57 ◀︎ In Israel's first cassava crop, memories of Jewish India
18:29:00 ◀︎ Israel says it objects to any international presence on Temple Mount
19:29:48 ◀︎ Palestinians out, hi-tech in: How to market Israel for young Americans
19:29:48 ◀︎ Putin flying close to the edge in Syria
20:29:23 ◀︎ Netanyahu, Kerry to meet in Berlin, discuss ways to restore calm
21:22:26 ◀︎ Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia launch joint attack on Aleppo
21:39:19 ◀︎ Hungary to seal border with Croatia to stem flow of refugees
22:09:04 ◀︎ U.S. confirms Iran tested missile capable of delivering nuke
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:14 20:26
תל אביב 19:29 20:28
חיפה 19:22 20:30
באר שבע 19:30 20:27