צפיות בכותרות
י"ד בניסן התשע"ח (ערב פסח / תענית בכורות)
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07:57:15 ◀︎ Hawaii lawmakers pass medically assisted suicide
07:57:15 ◀︎ White House decries Russia expelling US envoys
07:57:15 ◀︎ Gaza farmer killed by Israeli tank shell-Gaza health official
07:57:15 ◀︎ Sessions: No new special counsel yet for Republican concerns
08:05:49 ◀︎ US Mid-East envoy Greenblatt accuses Hamas of planning 'hostile march" against Israel
09:25:17 ◀︎ California judge rules that coffee requires cancer warning
09:25:17 ◀︎ Powerful quake shakes Papua New Guinea, month after disaster
09:43:38 ◀︎ Syrian official: Roadside bomb explodes in tense Manbij town
10:42:27 ◀︎ Palestinian sources: Five people injured by IDF fire near Gaza border
10:52:15 ◀︎ Two Jewish youths caught attempting to smuggle goat to Temple Mount for sacrifice
11:30:11 ◀︎ Afghan official: 4 civilians killed amid battle with Taliban
12:09:20 ◀︎ 10 people injured in chametz burning in Jerusalem
12:09:20 ◀︎ Kosovo intelligence chief fired after 6 Turks deported
13:25:17 ◀︎ US military: 2 troops killed, 5 wounded in Syria
14:33:49 ◀︎ Syrian rebels deny Russian claim of Ghouta deal
14:33:49 ◀︎ France denies troop moves in Syria, as Turkey lashes out
14:33:49 ◀︎ Palestinian clash with IDF in West Bank
16:06:52 ◀︎ Lithuania says Russia expels three diplomats amid nerve agent attack row
16:06:52 ◀︎ Russia expels 4 Polish diplomats in retaliation for Warsaw expulsions
16:31:23 ◀︎ Britain: Russia's response to expulsion of diplomats is 'regrettable'
17:19:12 ◀︎ US service member among personnel killed in Syria
17:19:12 ◀︎ Georgia expels one Russian diplomat over UK nerve agent attack
17:19:12 ◀︎ Russia says summons diplomats from 23 countries
17:29:00 ◀︎ Russia expels four German diplomats in nerve agent poisoning dispute
17:49:44 ◀︎ Russia says a Croatian diplomat must
17:49:44 ◀︎ Russia expels two Spanish diplomats
17:49:44 ◀︎ Russia expels one Norwegian diplomat
17:59:33 ◀︎ 9 Jewish suspects caught trying to sacrifice young goats for Passover
18:58:09 ◀︎ IDF: 2 Palestinians killed on Gaza border were members of Hamas elite force
18:58:09 ◀︎ IDF estimates Gaza border clashes will continue in coming days
18:58:09 ◀︎ Palestinians: Death toll on Gaza border rises to 10
19:05:29 ◀︎ Four Canadian diplomats expelled from Russia
19:05:29 ◀︎ Turkey accuses Israel of 'disproportionate' use of force in Gaza
19:15:16 ◀︎ Russia: US tried to recruit expelled diplomats
19:15:16 ◀︎ Ireland says Russia expels one diplomat in nerve agent poisoning dispute
19:15:16 ◀︎ Report: 2 Palestinians killed in IDF strike in northern Gaza
19:34:51 ◀︎ Report: British soldier killed by improvised bomb in Syria
19:34:51 ◀︎ Trump tells advisers he wants US out of Syria
19:58:07 ◀︎ IDF exchanges fire with terrorists in northern Gaza
20:25:09 ◀︎ 2 notorious British ISIS members say fair trial is impossible
20:35:01 ◀︎ Abbas declares Saturday national day of mourning after Gaza border deaths
21:27:35 ◀︎ Russia expels four French diplomats after UK poisoning affair
21:27:35 ◀︎ 18 people lightly hurt from smoke inhalation in Netanya apartment fire
22:38:21 ◀︎ UN Security Council to meet on Gaza on Friday
22:49:22 ◀︎ Abbas: 'Israel fully responsible for Gaza aggression, death of Palestinians'
23:45:44 ◀︎ Romania says Russia has "presence" of spies
23:55:30 ◀︎ US says Security Council approves new sanctions on NKorea
23:55:30 ◀︎ Number of Palestinians killed in Gaza clashes increases to 16