צפיות בכותרות
ט"ו בניסן התשע"ח (חג ראשון של פסח)
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:05:18 ◀︎ MK Zahalka: Turn Umm al-Fahm rally into 'Day of Rage' in response to IDF murders in Gaza
08:27:37 ◀︎ UN leader calls for investigation into deadly Gaza clashes
08:36:10 ◀︎ WSJ: Trump freezes funds for Syria; signals exit
08:36:10 ◀︎ Turkey says France could become 'target' for backing Syria Kurds
09:23:50 ◀︎ Hezbollah's al-Manar: Israeli drone crashes in southern Lebanon
09:33:38 ◀︎ Jordan condemns 'Israeli escalation in Gaza'
09:33:38 ◀︎ 29-year-old man shot to death in Tayibe; police yet to arrest any suspects
10:49:29 ◀︎ Russia complains about alleged search of airplane in London
10:49:29 ◀︎ Palestinian Authority declares Saturday day of mourning following Gaza clashes
11:17:40 ◀︎ Iran slams 'savage massacre' of Palestinians in Gaza
11:27:27 ◀︎ IDF spokesman says Israel will expand response if Gaza attacks go on
11:27:27 ◀︎ UK must bring home 'just over 50' of its diplomats from Russia
11:45:45 ◀︎ Saudi forces say intercept Houthi missile over Najran
12:23:44 ◀︎ Report: Iran will shut down Telegram for security reasons
13:21:18 ◀︎ UK considering Russian requests for visit to ex-spy's daughter Yulia
13:31:05 ◀︎ Germany 'concerned by situation in Gaza, calls on all involved to avoid further escalation'
13:42:05 ◀︎ Egypt condemns 'use of violence against unarmed civilians' in Gaza
15:48:15 ◀︎ Hamas: Five of Palestinians killed in Gaza clashes belong to military wing
15:48:15 ◀︎ Hundreds participate in Umm al-Fahm rally to mark Land Day
15:56:50 ◀︎ Meretz leader Zandberg calls for investigation of Gaza border deaths
20:15:07 ◀︎ Riyadh denies reports of crown prince visit to Iraq
23:02:47 ◀︎ Soldier killed in Syria identified as 36-year-old from Texas
23:19:55 ◀︎ IDF says 10 out of 16 killed in Gaza border clashes were Hamas members
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 19:11 20:23
תל אביב 19:26 20:26
חיפה 19:19 20:28
באר שבע 19:27 20:25