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י"ז באייר התש"פ (ערב ל"ג בעומר)
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00:07:00 ◀︎ Ministers approve lifting of more restrictions
08:25:10 ◀︎ 3.2 magnitude earthquake shakes northern Israel
08:25:10 ◀︎ At least one dead, several injured in Iranian naval accident - TV
08:34:35 ◀︎ Mainland China reports 17 new COVID-19 cases amid new infections in Wuhan
08:34:35 ◀︎ Pence self-isolating after exposure to aide with virus
08:43:55 ◀︎ IDF troops raze home of Israeli teen's killer
10:26:07 ◀︎ 19 Iranian sailors killed in friendly-fire missile incident, army confirms
10:42:45 ◀︎ IDF demolishes home of suspected terrorist in teen murder
11:07:54 ◀︎ Israel's coronavirus death toll up to 254, with 16,492 confirmed cases
11:44:15 ◀︎ Jewish comedian Jerry Stiller dies aged 92
11:44:15 ◀︎ Russia reports record rise in number of new coronavirus cases
11:44:15 ◀︎ Seinfeld star Jerry Stiller dies at 92
12:48:59 ◀︎ Spain's daily coronavirus death tolls falls to 123 on Monday
13:17:01 ◀︎ Israel's new government to be sworn in Thursday, May 14
13:17:01 ◀︎ Tel Aviv asks government to reopen all city beaches
14:44:52 ◀︎ 6-year-old boy critically hurt in car accident near J'lem zoo
14:54:20 ◀︎ Earthquake of magnitude 3.8 strikes North Korea -KMA
15:15:13 ◀︎ Likud wants 36 ministers at swearing in ceremony, Blue & White say they're unaware
15:43:18 ◀︎ Senior Health Ministry official says beaches can fully reopen
15:55:45 ◀︎ Sources say Health Ministry DG Bar-Siman-Tov mulls quitting
16:19:36 ◀︎ 11 patients, four staff at rehab center test positive for coronavirus
16:19:36 ◀︎ Coronavirus cases in Gulf Arab region surpass 100,000
16:19:36 ◀︎ UK's coronavirus death toll rises 210 to 32,065
16:34:14 ◀︎ Coronavirus cases surge in Russia, tally now third highest globally
17:06:32 ◀︎ Russia's Putin declares end to economic shutdown
17:24:14 ◀︎ Gantz will wait until swearing-in to notify Blue & White MKs tapped as ministers
17:55:28 ◀︎ Britain would not support Israeli West Bank annexation
18:45:40 ◀︎ Finance Ministry director announces plan to step down
19:03:37 ◀︎ All mosques in Iran to reopen on Tuesday
19:03:37 ◀︎ Italy's daily coronavirus new cases fall, death toll edges up
19:24:32 ◀︎ U.S. Justice Department weighs hate crime charges in death of Ahmaud Arbery
19:24:32 ◀︎ Jordanian civil servants to return to work on May 26
19:33:51 ◀︎ U.S. says Chinese hacking vaccine research
20:00:50 ◀︎ Ombudsman rejects Justice Minister’s request to probe State Prosecutor’s Office
20:20:34 ◀︎ France pushing for tough EU response to any West Bank annexation
20:20:34 ◀︎ Turkey's Erdogan imposes four-day lockdown from Saturday
20:28:59 ◀︎ IMF approves $2.77 bln in emergency pandemic aid for Egypt
20:28:59 ◀︎ Israel's coronavirus deaths rise to 258
21:07:53 ◀︎ Gilad Erdan to serve as Israel's ambassador to UN, U.S.
21:07:53 ◀︎ France reports spike in coronavirus deaths, raising total to 26,643
21:28:37 ◀︎ Public transportation buses to resume function on weekends
21:56:47 ◀︎ Report: Pandemic stalls Israeli efforts to expand energy partnerships across region
22:16:31 ◀︎ U.S. coronavirus death toll tops 80,000
22:35:12 ◀︎ Over a thousand Haredim crowd Mea Shearim streets to illegally celebrate Lag B’Omer
22:35:12 ◀︎ White House directs West Wing staff to wear masks at all times
22:35:12 ◀︎ Study: Virus death toll in NYC worse than official tally
22:45:38 ◀︎ Trump tells Iraq's new PM: U.S. willing to give economic help