צפיות בכותרות
כ"ט באייר התשפ"א
▲︎ לוהט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
06:21:13 ◀︎ Southern city of Ashkelon under repeated rocket fire
06:26:10 ◀︎ FDA approves Pfizer vaccine for younger teens
06:31:09 ◀︎ Six injured from rocket fire in Ashkelon
06:41:00 ◀︎ IDF says attacked 130 Gaza terror targets overnight
08:14:33 ◀︎ Red Alert sirens head in Eshkol Regional Council
09:08:56 ◀︎ Rivlin invites children from border area to visit his residence
09:17:37 ◀︎ IDF begins deploying artillery battery on Gaza border, eyewitnesses report
09:28:45 ◀︎ Dozens arrested in riots in Bedouin city of Rahat
09:39:51 ◀︎ Rocket alert sirens heard in Ashkelon and Gaza border area communities
09:44:48 ◀︎ PM holds security consultations in Tel Aviv
10:38:02 ◀︎ Seven killed in Russian school attack, one gunman held - RIA
10:42:56 ◀︎ IDF says destroyed rocket launching squad
11:04:11 ◀︎ Gaza rocket fire continues with sirens heard in border communities and the Ashkelon industrial area
11:29:23 ◀︎ Gantz greenlights further attacks against Gaza factions, Border Guard reservist call-up
11:52:52 ◀︎ Arab League chief condemns Israeli air strikes on Gaza
11:52:52 ◀︎ Eleven killed, many wounded in Russian school shooting
12:13:55 ◀︎ Gantz authorizes a call up of 5,000 IDF reserve soldiers
12:33:38 ◀︎ Rocket alert siren heard in Kerem Shalom
12:48:27 ◀︎ Hamas says 'dead and missing' in IDF attack in Gaza
13:19:21 ◀︎ Gaza rockets launched at Ashdod, Ashkelon and border area communities
13:29:16 ◀︎ 40 rockets launched in one minute from Gaza, direct hit reported in Ashdod
13:45:10 ◀︎ Rocket sirens sound in Ashkelon
13:45:10 ◀︎ Rocket alerts sound in Gaza border communities
14:04:55 ◀︎ Rocket sirens again sound in Ashdod
14:29:35 ◀︎ Hamas claims it fired 137 rockets in five minutes
14:29:35 ◀︎ Palestinian woman injured after she attempted a stabbing attack on West Bank
14:39:28 ◀︎ Rocket sirens blast as Ashkelon and border communities come under fire
14:39:28 ◀︎ Islamic Jihad vows retaliation for IDF strike on commanders
15:06:44 ◀︎ One dead, 3 wounded by rocket fire in Ashkelon
15:06:44 ◀︎ Rocket sirens heard in border area communities
15:30:15 ◀︎ UPDATE: Palestinian rockets fired into Israel kill two women, medic says
15:41:18 ◀︎ Rocket fire continues in communities along the Gaza border as sirens blare
15:56:12 ◀︎ Rivlin to EU diplomats: No country would accept what Israel is subjected to
15:56:12 ◀︎ Islamic Jihad says revenge for killing of officials will be 'painful'
16:09:41 ◀︎ Rocket sirens sound in Asheklon area
16:09:41 ◀︎ Rocket siren alert in Ashkelon
16:09:41 ◀︎ IDF targets Hamas officials' offices in Gaza
16:14:39 ◀︎ Rockert sirens blare in Ashkelon, northern Gaza border area
16:19:35 ◀︎ Rocket sirens blare south of Asheklon, northern Gaza border region
16:29:24 ◀︎ Netanyahu says Israel stepping up Gaza strikes
16:29:24 ◀︎ Ashdod residents to stay in bomb shelters until further notice, city hall says
16:38:02 ◀︎ Rocket sirens blare in Ashkelon, northern Gaza border region
16:50:23 ◀︎ Rocket sirens sound in northern Gaza border region
16:55:17 ◀︎ Rocket sirens sound in Ashkelon, northern Gaza border region
17:03:50 ◀︎ IDF tells Gazans to stay away from Hamas facilties
17:10:00 ◀︎ Rocket sirens sound in Ashkelon area, northern Gaza border
17:27:23 ◀︎ Gathering of Muslim nations condemns Israel
17:32:24 ◀︎ Rocket sirens sound in central Gaza border area
17:43:27 ◀︎ Arab League chief blames Israel for escalation
17:48:21 ◀︎ Man arrested in Be'er Sheva in attempted stab attack